Sanma hats, partnering in TVET

Sanma hats, partnering in TVET

This video showcases the story of how a partnership brokered by the Vanuatu Skills Partnership helped women in Vanuatu develop their technical and business skills

What competency-based assessment means to Nelson Beti

What competency-based assessment means to Nelson Beti

This video features a trainer from the Solomon Islands called Nelson Beti. He explains what competency-based learning and assessment means to him.

Benefits of TVET for Assunda Roy

Benefits of TVET for Assunda Roy

In this video Assunda Roy explains how TVET helped her set up an accommodation business.

Benefits of TVET for Mike Kumar

Benefits of TVET for Mike Kumar

This video features Mike Kumar who explains how his TVET study in Fiji has had a positive effect on his life and why he would recommend it for everyone to consider.

Benefits of TVET for Shirley Worwor

Benefits of TVET for Shirley Worwor

In this video Shirley Worwor explains how TVET study has enabled her to buy land and set up a tree nursery business.

Benefits of TVET for Kaliova Bilo

Benefits of TVET for Kaliova Bilo

This video features Kaliova Bilo who explains how studying TVET has taken him across the world and given him a life he would never have dreamed of.

Benefits of TVET for female learners

Benefits of TVET for female learners

In this video Erima Nunumbal explains how TVET study has provided her opportunities in starting up a tour guide business which is often more male-orientated in Vanuatu.

Benefits of TVET for female learners

Benefits of TVET for female learners

In this video Vicky Fanfa explains the personal and career benefits that TVET study has brought her in working as a tiler.

Benefits of female trainers being involved in TVET

Benefits of female trainers being involved in TVET

In this video Fremden Yanhambath from the Vanuatu Skills Partnership explains how involving female trainers has benefited women learners in new ways.

Benefits of TVET for disabled female learners

Benefits of TVET for disabled female learners

In this video, the Vanuatu Skills Partnership explain how TVET has provided opportunities for Vanessa Siro, a disabled learner.