TVET Professional Development Toolkit for the Pacific

Halo, Fakatalofa, Gude Hi Hai , Mauri, Bula vinaka, Ekamowir omo, Talofa, Malo e lelei, and Kia ora

Welcome to the Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET) Professional Development Toolkit for the Pacific!

The Toolkit supports professional development for TVET practitioners in the Pacific by bringing together micro-learning resources, videos, case studies, research articles, and templates. These curated resources relate to the work of TVET teachers and trainers, TVET leaders, and employers. They can be accessed anywhere and anytime.

The Toolkit has been designed through multiple consultations with key TVET stakeholders across the Pacific to make sure it is relevant to the workforce in the region.

If you find the resources helpful, please share this site with your networks. You can use the resources online, or you can download them and edit to suit your needs. You may use any of the content on your own website, learning management system, and in your programs.

Watch the video to learn how to use the TVET Toolkit

Welcome to TVET Video Thumbnail

Video hosted on YouTube

Select a role to find related learning resources

An AI generated vector image with a female in the centre holding a notepad or digital device. Behind her is a group of students sitting at desks. The background image has peaked mountains coming down to the ocean, and the sun setting behind. On the shoreline are palm trees and two single-storey buildings. Decorative elements include a frangipani flower, and palm leaves. The image is in soft and warm tones of blue, green, yellow, and orange.

Teacher or Trainer

Learn about TVET basics and designing learning resources, as well as planning, delivering, and evaluating training.

An AI generated vector image with a female in the centre holding a notepad or digital device. Behind her is a group of students sitting at desks. The background image has peaked mountains coming down to the ocean, and the sun setting behind. On the shoreline are palm trees and two single-storey buildings. Decorative elements include a frangipani flower, and palm leaves. The image is in soft and warm tones of blue, green, yellow, and orange.


Browse through the Toolkit to find out more about competency-based training and assessment in TVET.

An AI generated vector image with a female in the centre holding a notepad or digital device. Behind her is a group of students sitting at desks. The background image has peaked mountains coming down to the ocean, and the sun setting behind. On the shoreline are palm trees and two single-storey buildings. Decorative elements include a frangipani flower, and palm leaves. The image is in soft and warm tones of blue, green, yellow, and orange.

TVET Leader

Access learning resources, research, and templates to support better industry engagement, promoting TVET, and supporting your trainers’ professional development.

Select your learning focus to find related resources

Get started with training in TVET

  • Understand the foundations of the TVET sector
  • Plan individual lessons
  • Develop learning resources for lessons
  • Deliver engaging training
  • Evaluate and improve your practice

Get started with assessment in TVET

  • Apply core knowledge of the TVET sector
  • Design assessments based on competency standards
  • Deliver assessments
  • Give feedback to learners

Get started with foundation skills in TVET

  • Engage with industry stakeholders
  • Design activities to strengthen learners’ literacy and numeracy
  • Promote the benefits of TVET for everyone
Logo – PACFOLD learn: Pacific Centre for Flexible and Open Learning for Development.


Logo – New Zealand Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade: Manatū Aorere.
