Halo, Fakatalofa, Gude Hi Hai , Mauri, Bula vinaka, Ekamowir omo, Talofa, Malo e lelei, and Kia ora

Welcome to the Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET) Toolkit for the Pacific! This Toolkit brings together e-learning modules, case studies, research articles, and templates – with the aim of growing the skills of TVET practitioners in the Pacific. Curated resources are available for TVET teachers/trainers, TVET leaders, and employers, and these can be accessed anywhere and anytime.

This Toolkit has been designed through multiple consultations with key TVET stakeholders in the Pacific to be relevant to the labour market in the region.  If you find the resources helpful for your own practice, feel free to share this site with your networks. You can download and print content, change templates and content to suit your needs, as well as add content to your own website or learning system.